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Weight Loss Management and Support

Weight Loss Management

Patient Mentoring and Support in Weight Loss

Fundamental choice allows each and every one of us to change.  We have a choice to feel healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.   Whether your spouse or your health care provider suggests a weight loss change ultimately will depend on your fundamental choice.  Many patients who are contemplating a weight loss program wish they had someone to talk to regarding their personal goal and relationship with food.  Dietary changes, exercise, and other lifestyle changes are an important aspect to a successful relationship with food.

Understanding the Benefits of Our Patient Mentoring Program

At Jupiter Internal Medicine Associates, our clinical team along with our health coach have an established  patient mentoring program to provide the necessary mental strength and support patients desire. Our Patient Mentoring Program is designed from our clinical team with goals designed for lifetime transformations.

How Our Weight Loss Program Works

Patients can openly discuss desired nutritional and weight loss goals with your health care provider.  Upon meeting with a clinician at Jupiter Internal Medicine Associates,  a referral may be made to a health couch for personalize mentorship.  These health coaches are mentors that have the life experience to aid others though their weight loss journey. The mentors have not been trained nor coached by our medical professionals; their qualifications to participate in the patient mentor program is that they have undergone a weight loss journey themselves and are successful in maintaining their weight loss, as well as their overall health.

Leading by Examples – Weight Loss Program

Several of our patients have already volunteered to participate in this program so that they can provide the much-needed support to our new patients who are considering their own weight loss journey to healthy habits.  Many  patients would like guidance from a person who has already been in their shoes, so we are very lucky that many of our patients  want to help others achieve the success they now enjoy. Our patient mentor program is all about providing tips and support, as well as answering the patient’s questions and referring them to other resources that will be helpful to their current situation. This kind of patient mentor support has proven to be effective in making the transition to a new lifestyle easier. Once the mentor is assigned to the patient, the two of them will decide how to stay in touch and how often they will contact. They can even exercise together, share their stories and experience, and cheer each other on.

The Importance of Patient Mentor Program

At Jupiter Internal Medicine Associates, we want you to obtain optimal health and well being.  Just a 10% reduction in your weight is said to lower your risk of disease by fifty percent.  With weight loss, patients feel more energized and are introduced to healthy habits to adapt to their lifestyles.  Be sure to ask your health care provider about a customized weight loss program designed for you.

Sharing is caring!

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