Food Addiction

Addictive Foods


Are you aware of how prevalent food addiction really is? I want you to know that it’s actually not your fault many of us are struggling in this area!!  Everywhere we go these highly addictive foods are front and center. Refined sugar is in everything!  In fact we are consuming an average of 150 pounds of refined sugar and flour products each year (Dr. A’s Habits of Health -pg. 319). Just astounding!! 

This ultra refined sugar and flour can act almost as a drug that causes insatiable hunger and cravings that leads to addiction and loss of control. In fact, as our insulin rises in response to these sugars, it blocks leptin ( a hunger suppressant hormone released by our fat cells) that tells our brain we aren’t hungry anymore. (Habits of Health-pg 320). 


Sadly the food industry is not necessarily our friend and we are compelled to take matters into our own hands. Luckily we can utilize a strategy developed by Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson  (New York Times best selling author and one of the first critical care doctors in our country) called  “STOP. CHALLENGE.CHOOSE” to help us navigate through this issue. 


Take a moment to STOP and pause before deciding what to do. 

Challenge yourself to think about what you really want and if that next action moves you closer to or farther from your goal. 

Decide what the next best step is for you as it relates to your goal. 

With socializing on the rise, you are likely going to be attending more parties & maybe even a Memorial Day barbecue. Here’s how you might use this strategy in that event. You arrive at the party and see the table is covered with pastries, beverages and appetizers. Knowing that your goal is to be happy in your bathing suit for that weekend on the beach what do you do?

  • Stop before diving right into the food and drink. This gives your impulsive brain time to be taken over by your thinking brain.
  • Challenge yourself by asking which is more important? The immediate gratification of the food and drink or the feeling you’ll have once you put on that suit. 
  • Decide what you want to do to get closer to the suit or instant gratification goal. 

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing by the way. It’s possible to allow yourself one or two indulgences at that moment. But pausing will allow you to decide more strategically. 

About the Author – Jen Boss, Health and Wellness Coach 

A former elementary school teacher and longtime stay at home mom, Jen started her health and wellness business in February of 2019 after tackling health goals of her own. With the guidance of a coach, support of a community, education and a simply structured nutrition plan, Jen helps people take their health back & empowers them to live their best possible life centered around what matters most to them. The intention is to make health a habit and dieting a thing of the past. 

Jen Boss Health and Wellness Coach
Jen Boss, Health and Wellness Coach